Thankyou to everyone who came to our second leg of the Triggered! UK Tour for 2023 - the energy was off the charts, total rock n' roll carnage!!
Special shout out to our crew who were an absolute pleasure to work with including Scott our driver and the team at Megasleepers 🙏

Terri, Sam, Alex, Stevie, Bowz, Adam, Charlie, Ruki, Janson, Rory, Gareth, Baz - the crew 🤟
But we're not QUITE done yet - we have 3 more shows to go in N.I and Ireland. Cookstown is sold out and Belfast is not far behind....
15th Belfast | Limelight
16th Cookstown | Railway Inn Rock N' Blues
17th Dublin | Whelans
Bring on 2024 and a brand new album.
P.S. have you checked out our remixed 'Welcome To The World' yet? No?! Then click here!